The Girl Summit was established in 2019 as an annual event hosted by Stretchers Youth Organization, to engage with girls locally, regionally and globally on socio-economic inequalities facing our generation as a way of commemorating the international day of the girl child. 

Every year on 11th October, the international day of the girl child is marked for the girls to amplify their voices and stand up for their rights. It is a day to increase awareness on the issues faced by girls across the world, to promote girl’s empowerment and fulfillment of their human rights, to increase awareness among people about all the inequalities faced by a girl child in the society. Inequality about girl child is a big problem which includes many sectors like inequality in education, legal rights, medical care, protection, honor and child marriages. 

The Girl Summit Journey

2019 - MOMBASA

Developed a youth communique which was submitted to the key national and international policy makers during the ICPD 25 Nairobi Summit.

  • Commissioned Community Talking Boxes that aimed at addressing  the information gap for adolescents and young people and youth peer mentors/providers on provision of comprehensive sexuality education.
  • Adolescents and young people submitted a youth communique to County Executive Committee Member- Gender, Cultural Services, Social Services and Sports with three Key ASKs
  • A youth communique was submitted to Kwale County Governor Her Excellency Hon. Fatuma Achani with key ASKs including but not limited to; fast tracking on the development of the Kwale County Gender policy, development of Kwale County Adolescent and Young People Sexual Reproductive Health Strategy, Inclusion of Persons with disability in decision making platforms among many others.
  • Adolescents and youth communiqué was submitted to Hon. Esther Pasaris Nairobi women representative, Hon.  Ababu Namwamba Cabinet Secretary Youth affairs, The Arts and Sports, Vice Chancellor professor Kiama, and Dr. Anastasia CEC public participation Nairobi